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If a student is running late, please contact the tutor. If student arrives late (up to 15 minutes), the original session will still end at the previously agreed upon time. Students who are not present at the pre-determined location when Tutor arrives or who are more than 15 minutes late are considered no-shows. If the Student is a no-show, he or she is still responsible for payment for the tutoring session.  No discount or refunds shall be given regarding lessons not attended by the Student.


We kindly request that schedule changes or cancelations be made at least 48 hours in advance of a scheduled session. Cancelations or rescheduling within 48 hours of the session start time will result in full payment for the scheduled appointment. This includes online sessions. Rescheduling prior to 48 hours of appointment must take place within 14 days of the original appointment time. These policies are in place to protect a tutor’s time, as it is very difficult to fill last-minute slots. Please note, if cancelations become frequent, reserved tutoring time may be forfeited.


To ensure that students get the most out of their tutoring sessions, students should have all their study materials ready at the beginning of the session (class notes, homework, textbook, pens/pencils, etc.). Tutors will not complete homework or other assignments on behalf of the student. Tutors meet with students in order to help students overcome their areas of difficulty. Students should not expect that the tutor will do the students' work for them. Students may not have a friend present for tutoring sessions unless agreed upon in advance. Work area should be in a common area and organized as free from distractions as possible.


Students will act honorably and respectfully of the tutor and other class members are at all times during a class session. Behavior will be addressed by tutor with parent and student. Failure to adhere to honorable online and in-person etiquette will result in class removal. No refunds will be issued.


Payments for all services must be paid at the time of scheduling.  Additional charges for late /cancelations/rescheduling fees are due within 21 days of invoice. Failure to pay invoices in a timely manner will suspend further services from Amy Brooks Tutoring LLC with client. Amy Brooks Tutoring LLC does not offer refunds for services.


A parent, guardian, or chaperone (21 years of age or older) must be present during the entire lesson for in-home tutoring session unless agreed upon by parent/guardian and tutor prior to session.


All digital, written and video content is owned by Amy Brooks Tutoring LLC and cannot be copied, sold or distributed in any format.

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